the majority of my blog posts were personal narratives or analytical pieces
that had my voice in it, meaning that the reader could identify that I was the
narrator, through the type of language or evidence I used. The smaller blog
posts helped prepare me for the letter-graded assignments because I got to
experiment with different writing styles, without having to worry much about it
affecting my grade. For example, in my post “Eat Drink Man Woman Voiceover”, I experiment with an exciting
writing narration that would appeal to people who watched a travel show. This assignment
prepared me for the later-on graded cooking show script that I wrote. The blog
posts fit very well into the course learning objectives as I thought about many
key terms when writing them, such as who will the audience be and what type of
genre is best for this assignment. Also, I wrote academically and expressively,
and I learned how to review and revise my own work. These posts taught me that
writing is a process, and that there is always room to improve.
I chose
the following blog posts to include in my anthology: “Want to Trade for a CowTongue Sandwich?”, “Underrated Meatballs”, “Food and Gender”, “Eat Drink Man Woman Voiceover” and “Anxious for Class Registration Pie”. I decided to put them in this order because the
first post I ever wrote was “Want to Trade a Cookie for a Cow Tongue Sandwich?”.
This post incorporates many of the course learning objectives, for example I
revised my personal essay several times thinking about key terms, such as
audience and genre, to improve my writing. The next post, “Underrated Meatballs”
follows my personal essay because this post is also reflective of my Russian
Heritage, but it takes a more academic spin, as I discuss the dictionary definition
of meatballs and compare it to Russian meatballs. The following post “Food and
Gender” comes next because it likewise is an academic writing, as I refer to a
scholarly source that we read for the assignment, but I still include personal
anecdotes like many of my other blog posts. The next post “Eat Drink Man Woman Voiceover” followed because it shows a shift in
the type of blog posts that I wrote. This piece is more of a creative work, and
less of a personal piece. Similarly, the last post “Anxious for Class
Registration Pie” was a very creative work, and mirrored my personal thoughts
about next semester, but there were no anecdotes like some of the earlier
pieces in the anthology.
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